My name is Jeremy and I’m from Brunswick, Maine. I’m a Pre-Pharmacy major at UNE and I chose UNE because of how close it was to home and also because of how student-oriented the school is. By talking to the professors and students here, I could already tell that this community was the one for me.
My favorite thing about Maine are the ever-changing seasons and the activities that go alongside it. In the winter, I love to go snowboarding and play pond hockey with friends. The scenery is also amazing at this time with Maine’s beautiful pines all covered in snow. When summer decides to come around, I love going to Popham Beach and play Spikeball or toss the frisbee with my friends. Spikeball has been one of our favorite things to play in the summer. When the beach isn’t an option, a nice day by the pool is always a great time. After that, everyone gathers around the fire pit to relax and take in the rest of the night.
My philosophy in learning is that you can’t ever stop learning. You can always learn new things everyday. Learn about things that you want to know. Learn about things outside your comfort zone. Becoming a well-rounded individual is what I strive to be and I haven’t stopped trying to achieve it.
I also love food.